
Simple, General, and Practical Game Requirements Modeling

A novel game-based use case modeling technique, as an extension of the UML use case language

GUCM Features

The GUCM tool provides several features that empowers the modeling and requirements elicitation process


Graphical Creation

Create subjects, game actors, game use cases, and extension points


Textual Description

Each model's elements can be described and edited through a textual form


Managing Game Use Case Sketches

The modeler can upload, update, and remove game use case sketches. In addition to scrolling and zooming.


Flexible Connectors of Elements

The links between model elements can be extended through line points, and they can be moved and deleted


Error Notification System

GUCM notifies the user when a modeling rules are being violated, and it and displays textual warnings


Model Management

User can take screenshots. Moreover, she can save or load models for later use

Our Team


Dr. Jameleddine Hassine

Author and Supervisor

Main research interests include among others: Requirements engineering (languages and methods), Formal Semantics, Formal Verification and Validation of distributed systems, Communication protocols, Software Maintenance.


Aghyad Albaghajati

Author and Developer

Main research interests are Automated Software Testing, Software Construction, Model Driven Engineering, and Game Development.